What if I hooked up a 4056 board to a USB Step down converter charger?
Would it blow the 4056? Since it is a 2-3A USB? Or pull 1A, and be fine?
Would a 2A usb wall charger be the same?
How much current would the usb step down in the above link deliver to a smartphone? I’d like to do a charger for the car, but I think a miller ml102 may have fried my RAZR, so I am concerned about too much current.
This seems to be another perfect example as to why it is so much confusion with regards to these matters: misnomering practices.
All of those “USB chargers” aren't chargers. Most of them are basic constant voltage power supplies.They just set their designed voltage at the output, and that's it. It's the device/load connected to it which actually decides how much power/amps will draw (load impedance adjustment). If the device draws no more than the supply can provide, all will go fine; if it draws too much, the supply may lower its output voltage or even completely shutdown (or fry itself if it's a crappy unit LoL).
Yeah, I got a cheapie tablet that charges fine from a 500mA oldoldold usb socket, from an anæmic wall-wart charger, etc., but from a “lipstick” battery pack, will suck down so much current so fast that the damned plug/socket parts get too hot to touch. Even the metal case of the “lipstick” pack by the socket gets scorching hot.
I am wondering if the lipstick battery is made for usb-c? Saw something about it yesterday morning, apparently came out in 2014.
I need to read about it more, but saw something about a 56k ohm resistor. So if you’re using an old cable, that didn’t have it, maybe that’s the problem?
I downloaded ampere app, tells me the charging current, etc. I might not plug it in again to find out, though, sounds dangerous