I jsut got done putting the 4300K bulb in the YEZL HID flashlight that I got from rikr that I converted to 85watt. Man I don’t know what it is about the 4300K bulbs on these 85watt HID flashlights, but the hotspot is just awesome to look at. No wonder these flashlights throw so well. I think in all honesty if you were to buy one with the 4300K bulb already in it for say $150 shipped, it would be the best $150 thrower/flood flashlight you probably could get for the money in a production light. These lights are super throwers with a lot of spill. You just have to see them in person to believe what they will do.
I’ll get some pictures up say Mon or Tues if weather is good.
maybe I’m not easily satisfied, but my HID and it’s new 4300 do not produce an ‘awesome’ hotspot.
4300k bulb has slight hints of green in it. Throw is really good but when lighting up for exemple trees 200-300m seem to be the maximum useable distance. White buildings in perfect dark will light up 1km away though
You need to let the bulb burn in for a few hours to stabilize the colors, and burn up the epoxy that can fog up the reflector, I conected the ballast to a 12v power supply and let it burn for about 3 hours, the rainbow colors diminished a bit, and no fog was created on the reflector.
BTW If you do fog up the reflector, it can be removed using pure carnauba wax, just make sure it does not have any polishing compounds or it will mess up the reflector surface
I did let it burn for 2-3 hours with the glass off, just like I did with the original bulb. 2100 told me, so I listened to his advice :).
Still the green/blueish tints are there, but as long as I don’t shine on a white surface I can live with it.