December 8, 2012, 6:35pm
I want to buy my son-in-law a camping flashlight for Christmas.
I was thinking a 3 or 4xAA
I am leaning towards the Fenix LD40… seems like a good light at a good price.
The new Nitecore EA4 also looks great, but I am not sure I can get one before Christmas…
Here is a graphical display of the lights I am looking at:
Have I missed any good lights?
Any comments on these lights?
this is the first time I have tried to post a webpage to my public dropbox, so if you have any problems, let me know.
December 8, 2012, 8:58pm
I think people miss how good the ld40 is since there is a brighter light out there .
it's clear they have never owned one because no xml will ever look as good as the beautiful beam ,tint and an nice amout of throw ..
it's a great flashlight //Sadly one that too many people have missed .
good choice
You must get along real well with your son-in-law: that’s a heckuva html chart you created and a lotta’ thought behind it.
Anyway, budget deal; this is BLF after all…
DieHard #41-6007 4xAA 240 lumens ANSI (30 lumens for 70 hours) bought for $24 (free ship and batt’s) after Thanksgiving.
Look familiar/similar?
Check out that regulation on high:
Also, don’t mean to confuse you but have you considered a headlamp? (it’s nice to have the hands free when dealing with a tent and stuff)
Good luck and Merry Christmas
December 8, 2012, 11:05pm
Gorgeous chart! Dang, you had me browsing multi AA lights after looking at that. Well done.
That DieHard looks very interesting.
December 8, 2012, 11:08pm
Yes, I saw that chart. Really impressive for a $24 light.
The link is for 40+, where are you seeing it for this price?
December 8, 2012, 11:13pm
I recenly purchased my first Fenix, the LD22.
I was really impressed.
I think the LD40 sounds good:)
December 8, 2012, 11:24pm
This light was on sale over Thanksgiving for $32 with a 25% discount ($24).
the price now is $46 with a 20% discount:(
that’s quite a price jump.
December 8, 2012, 11:52pm
I can only speak about the PA40 and I love it. Long run times, decent low, nice, bright, fairly wide beam, and it’s a decent thrower. One option: Flea bay
Keep your eye open you may find it for less than that.
December 9, 2012, 12:18am
I can only speak about the PA40 and I love it. Long run times, decent low, nice, bright, fairly wide beam, and it’s a decent thrower. One option: Flea bay
Keep your eye open you may find it for less than that.
Yes, the PA40 is high on my list. Looks just like the LD40 and 41. I think I saw one review that indicated that the parts were interchangeable.
(Chicago X)
December 9, 2012, 1:18am
I was not as enamored with the LD40 as some, but you can pry my PA40 from my cold, dead hands...
December 9, 2012, 1:21am
I will keep that in mind…
December 9, 2012, 5:10am
Don’t, I repeat DON’T open the PA40 and test it out before gifting to your son-in-law if you choose to go that route. You will be buying another “something” once you realize “this is too good to give away”. Or, just save yourself the heartburn and buy two! You’ll probably have a better chance of getting a good deal on one on ebay with the “best offer” options if you buy two vs. one. Just a thought.
I want to buy my son-in-law a camping flashlight for Christmas.
I was thinking a 3 or 4xAA
I am leaning towards the Fenix LD40… seems like a good light at a good price.
The new Nitecore EA4 also looks great, but I am not sure I can get one before Christmas…
Here is a graphical display of the lights I am looking at:
Have I missed any good lights?
Any comments on these lights?
this is the first time I have tried to post a webpage to my public dropbox, so if you have any problems, let me know.
LD40 vs PA40. easy choice get the PA40. lower low. much higher max mode. battery indicator
EA4 lacks a low mode, it’s 65 lumens i think, waaaaaaaay too bright
December 9, 2012, 7:31am
“This post/thread ”may” contain referrals, a little contribution I “earn” in form of points ONLY if you buy the item. The purpose is to redeem items using the points+my cash when neccesary, and then making reviews of them in the forums to share info about them . It will not cost you anything. I dont “earn” anything if you ONLY click the link.“
Hi!What about this one (3xAA XM-L) for 28$?
dx.com/p/ultrafire-sh-3aa-cree-xm-l-t6-800lm-5-mode-memory-white-led-flashlight-w-strap-3-x-aa-1-x-26650-124061?Utm_rid=43033281&Utm _ source=affiliate
December 9, 2012, 8:56am
Please, see a lot of my reviews here at BLF, please
With nearing 2000 posts, you must have a good 6 or seven dozen really good reviews here on BLF that you can link us up to right away
I’ll wait dear…
December 9, 2012, 9:09am
I will not link them, they are posted here at BLF and many other sites and you only have to do a search.
And more reviews to come, but the items are stuck in China…
December 9, 2012, 9:31am
I think the important point to make about a deal extreme link is the op probably wants a gift to give this Christmas…as you point out, your gear is still stuck in China……