Just spotted a 5 Emitter "King" at DX. Not a bad price at $40.20.
Go Away!
I think they should do a 10x led King with no reflector and just call it the Mule King.
Here's the link, it's not working in the OP.
Ok, now it's working. Weird issue - the link was "correct" in the post, but missing the "http://". I added that and now it works. I think the board software used to add the http:// automatically (or prompt to).
has someone bought this Lamp?
How many Lumes will this light have?
What is possible?
Is this brighter then the 3 LED Sky Ray King?
thx for answer
I just got 6 LEDs “King” from fasttech… and I thought I just wasted $40 as the beam was less bright than the original King
floodier maybe… definitely it’s not bright enough even though it got 6 XM-L2 LEDs on it
hmm… maybe I should send it to Justin and see what kind of magic he can bring into that light :bigsmile: