Does anyone know how to get a little more out of the 502B IR light?
I would like a little more reach or longer throw, and maybe a little more power.
Any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone know how to get a little more out of the 502B IR light?
I would like a little more reach or longer throw, and maybe a little more power.
Any help would be appreciated.
Tail measured voltage of 3.4v with a fully charged battery, .56A Supposed to be 3 watts, but measured at 1.9w.
I have not pulled it apart yet. Hoping someone will have some info on it.
I have never used the IR drop in for the 502b but the lens below will give the normal drop-in lots of extra throw. The issue could be if it will focus properly.
That voltage seems low, what kind of battery are using, are is that 2 rcr123?
The battery is an 18650.
Thanks for the lens info, I ordered a few.
Fully charged voltage should be 4.2 or at least close. On a fully charged 18650 .56A would only be about 2.24w but at 3.4v you are only getting 1.9w
i have one of the 15W IR drop ins in a 502b with a Ahorton aspherical lens and spacer. it works pretty good even just using my webcam to see it. no clue on range. might adjust the spacer to focus it into slightly more of a flood pattern. not sure yet
Which shop offers a 15 watt IR LED?
i got it on ebay 15W p60 drop in