This little zoomie can be found everywhere on aliexpress for next to nothing, but still it has an inbuilt battery and USB connector sticking out under the tailcap, very convenient. So it caught my attention and I ordered one and it came in today. I had a quick glance at it (well, BLF-modder kind of quick ;-) ) and decided that it deserves its own thread, because it has options and because a light this cheap just is very BLF :party:
I have not found out everything about it, but it does work, it has a XP-E type of fake almost purple-white led, has a good spot when zoomed in, an ok but not-so-wide flood when zoomed out, it charges with a handsome red led behind the switch, and the build is quite ok for what you pay.
The options: if you just swap the led for a real Cree, or whatever XP-size real led, it already is a quite attractive flashlight! And I'm sure there's many more modding options, that have to be found out.
I have not checked low voltage handling and charging profile yet, will do that one of these days. Of course you want that to be correct and safe!
My copy came with this awesome lettering :cool: but it looks like they do not all have that:
This is how it looks on the inside:
I will unsolder that battery and check capacity. A probable mod will be replacing it with a better one.
More info to follow. Any contributions from others more than welcome!
I bought a couple of these flashlight, I gave one to my brother-in-law we both love them, you can zoom in and out with one hand, and i bought them for £3.28 each.
I have not watched the video yet, I hope i can replace the battery without destroying it.
OPPss i deleted the £3.28 link as the £3.33 eBay seller has better feedback, you can buy them all over the internet, I have seen them in black and gold.
From the descriptions it seems there is no low voltage protection. “When light gets dim, recharge”. I wonder if you solder in a protected battery if that just would work, including resetting a tripped LVP when it is recharged.
Btw, the UI is a high-low-strobe-off cycle, with no detectable PWM :+1: on the low setting.
Only bad point so far, the worst looking o-ring i have ever seen, looks like it`s been punched out of some rubber/silicone and has excess still attached, and it looks like it will break just by looking at it, easy to replace though.
Trying to run down the battery, I’m at 2.72V now. When at this point I switch on the light it starts bright (-ish ) and within seconds turns very dim. So the advice does work: the stock battery struggles to deliver any power under 3V and so you are notified to charge it at a still safe voltage :party:
One of the user pics in the reviews section of the aliexpress link shows both red and green button lighting, so maybe the button turns red at low voltage? Or maybe red when charging. I can’t read Cyrillic.
I just removed the battery and put it in the Opus for capacity check, in the meantime I soldered another battery in
It almost fits (had to cut away a tiny bit of plastic)
I did not check before, but the light does 130 lumen flood now. That can only be better with another led. (and thicker wires, tweaking the driver, etc.)
Double-click or single click into strobe mode? Long or short press for on/off?
So let’s say 100 lumens with the original battery… that’s actually incredible for the price. Imagine that when I started this hobby I was thrilled with the maybe 15 lumens put out by this light, which actually cost more than this zoomie, and didn’t come with a battery or an integrated charger. :money_mouth_face: