99mm aspheric lens from DX - which flashlight has such big head?

I found a 99mm aspheric lens on DX and wondered what flashlight I could use this on.

Any flashlights with a 99mm head? Is it mainly for custom build?

What may be one of the largest head flashlights you’ve come across? For example, I know BTU Shocker has a head of 106mm.

LOL aspheric lenses arent manufactured solely for flashlights. There are other purposes, one being Automotive projector headlights. Though at that scale, the largest lense on projector headlights is 3in and that 99mm is about 3.8in.

don’t bother… i already bought couple of those lens and tried it for few of my flashlight… non of them work like a zoomie :frowning:
fell free to buy mine if you still curious :smiley:

I have two.

Bad quality lens , 140mm focal distance.

140mm focal distance? Means I have to have a 140mm tube to focus the light? That’ll make a long flashlight.