I bought a battery pack for my 85 watt HID flashlight from this seller for $49.99 with Free shipping EMS DHL. Now he is trying to tell me to send him $15 for shipping with DHL in 3-5 days. I said no way. Either you get that battery to me like the add said in 5 to 10 days with tracking # or I am cancelling my order.
Here’s the link to the battery and the free shipping like I stated above.
“Current Product” link you provided indicates free shipping is for ALL choices from China Post to epacket thru to DHL and Fedex. Not sure but you probably didn’t see this… would’ve raised a red flag to me - China dealer doesn’t understand English and just clicks all of the boxes when listing - I would’ve sent off an email for shipping clarification.
Assuming you did, did dealer confirm to you DHL shipping or only after billing?
No I didn’t see that. But I did see where one guy said he tried to pull the same crap on him and wanted more money to ship DHL. I don’t care how he does it, I just want my battery pack likethe ad says which is free shipping.
Well maybe I misunderstood the seller, but he sent me a first response after I sent him a message to send me a good battery with a tracking #. His initial response was
19:38 Dec 24,2012
hi For Christmas. I need 25-26 send
which my reply was
21:43 Dec 24,2012
I hope you don’t mean you 25 to 26 days to send. That ain’t going to cut it if so.
then he send me this
21:53 Dec 24,2012
ni DHL send you OK? DHL need 3-5day to you .need 15USD
then I send
23:09 Dec 24,2012
No I won’t pay you $15 shipping . It said free shipping. So do what the ad said. I seen another guy said you tried to do this crap in your feedback. The ad said free shipping. So live up to what it said. Don’t try pulling this crap on me. Or I will get my money back.
His rating is 91.8… That right there would have been a deal breaker for me. I tty to shop thru Amazon or Ebay… I dont order from anyone with less than 300 sales or a percentage below 99%.
Isn’t he the Shenzen company of ebay/website & on here on BLF? Anyways beware of the fake 8700mAh batteries. The real one has usb input to charge, while the older one doesn’t and rated 7800 not 8700. Should have raised a red flag since he stat’s is 9300mAh & then on title it states, 8700mAh… very bad editing or cut & paste advertisement.
Well I’m tired of messing with this guy. I cancelled my order and filed a complaint against him. He doesn’t do what he says. Buyer beware. I don’t think I will be buying again from AliExpress.
They just came out i think summer or fall of 2012 the higher capacity batteries with usb output? Mine is the 7800 one I believe. most the ones pictured are older stock. I’ll try to find the youtube video with the latest one with the usb plug on battery.
Well seller says he already has shipped the battery and he gave me a tracking #. So he denied my order cancellation. We shall see if I get it. He supposedly shipped it Fed Ex.