I did a little looking and searching, but have no idea if they would be good or not (the ones I found). So I’m just looking for a smaller type light right now, more for edc, or just pocketable, something you could put in like you would your phone or knife. These are the specifications I would like it to have…
-side switch(This isn’t exactly a must, but it’d make the light even better, if you could find all the other specs and this, it’d be the perfect light)
-preferably not xml( due to the heat with small lights, I’d like to be able to use it with over 100 lumens for 10 minutes once in a while)
-not much bigger than say 6 inches
-use 18650’s or energizer lithium aa’s (prefer 18650’s for enviromental reasons)
-more durable than a sipiksk68(I have one of these, but after dropping it a ton from trying to tailstand on a rickety desk, it works……iffy, just when I have it on, it’ll vary the brightness from like full to half or 3/4 or 1/4 or almost nothing, then I need to shake or hit the head enough to get it back on high. Back 5 years ago, I bought a light for my bike, it’s like 3 of those 5/10 mm leds with relectors, and 3aaa’s. It’s by Blackburn, doesn’t say model at all. But it’s NEVER failed turning on, and I’ve dropped that thing way more than my sipik. Just found it http://www.blackburndesign.com/lights/voyager-3-3-front.html#.UA1uwPWQPfY)
-pocketclip (this isn’t a must, but it’d be really nice to have it)
-different modes (I’d probably be using lower modes like 50-100 lumens most of the time, not high constantly)
Being a small light, I don’t care about the reflector at all. Meaning, I wouldn’t be trying to make this into a thrower. Can have some throw, but at the length restriction, I doubt it will go super far at all. The main thing I want in this light is compactness and reliability.
Hope this isn’t way too much to ask for in a budget light.
Saw this review: Review / Comparison: Three colorful AAA budget lights from DD (Bronte RA01, SKILHUNT Ramble-ι (Iota) & Tank007 E09) But it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for.
Budget: $30
Maybe, I should just get a aaa for the size, suppose I’d have to get a some eneloops then too.