A Few Friday Night Beamshots

ThorFire VG10 w/fet+1 & dedomed XM-L2…ThorFire C8s w/dd driver & dedomed XM-L2…Thorfire C8s w/fet+1 & dedomed (old style) XP-G2 S4 2B…Cheap Zoomie w/dd driver & dedomed XP-G2…@ about 132 meters away.



ThorFire C8s w/dd driver & dedomed XM-L2

ThorFire C8s w/fet+1 & dedomed XP-G2

Cheap Zoomie w/dd driver & dedomed XP-G2

Nice shots.
I like how the zoomy is all stealth, everything around it is not lit up, just the target.

The VG10 beam is beasty!

+1 … I like em’ all, but the zoomie is my favorite! :+1:
Thanks for the pics. :slight_smile:

That Zoomie looks freakin cool, nice pics!

Makes me want a xpg2 modded zoomie now. I only have a xml2 and a mtg2 zoomie. Have you tried doing the same mod with a different zoomie host? That one seems kinda long.

No, I haven’t. I don’t generally buy zoomies…this one was given to me so I knocked all the components off the driver, drilled a hole through it, ran a wire from led + to the spring and soldered a jumper wire from the - wire on the led to the led ground. I also put the dedomed XP-G2 on a 20mm noctigon and soldered a 16mm noctigon to the bottom of the 20mm since the pill is hollow…it all seemed to work out pretty good. I’ll get a couple of 14500 sized zoomies and try those.

NICE… I too am just getting into zoomy lights. I was never a fan before.

How did you get such a cold tint from the de-domed XP-G2 ? One of the quirks is they turn barf green/yellow when you lop off the dome. What flux/tint bin G2 did you start with?

Something I have always wondered, you think the aspheric lens shifts the tint to a more pale color?… after all thats all an LED dome is, a tiny aspheric. I am wondering if dedoming yellows and warms the tint, adding the aspheric lens cools it back down…??

Nice shots. Love the zoomy. :+1: