A fool's money

I’m at the gun show today and this time we’ve got 6 different vendors selling lights. Three of them sell only flashlights and two have the prices you expect. Most cheap items at not really cheap prices. One is the total rip off vendor, a logo free TrustFire TR-J18 for $300.00 and that even includes a charger with 3 batteries thrown in free. SIPIK SK68 for the low price of $30 each. Everyone is really proud to display their Chinese spec lumens. I’m turning into a budget light snob.

Sounds like fun. I would have sat there and asked every question I could, and correct them about everything :bigsmile:

I'd probably do the exact same thing.

"now, how many amps from a AA does it drive to the emitter to get 1800 lumens?" "1.2a to an xpe? huh... is that magical?"

Only 30$ for a Sipik.. Sounds like a bargain. I have seen Sipiks advertised much higher..

At least he is not charging 349$ for a little wrist light...


A friend of mine has a military surplus store and has been bugging me to set up a display for him and kinda be the middleman. I don’t know if I feel like getting into it. Then I see what other people are charging and think why not. Even a 100% markup would come in under some of the prices you see people paying and at least I would know what lights to set him up with that would be reliable. If you are going to sell someone a light for twice what it would cost them to order it from China the least you can do is get them into a good one.

Stand next to him and sell a TR-J18 for $200. :smiley:

Or just bring a bunch of Shockers and steal all the vendors' customers.

I’m actually talking to Ric right now about become a distributor for him. $5,000 to get in if I decide to. He hasn’t gotten back to me in a while so I don’t think it’s going anywhere but it was worth asking about.

Go back tomorrow with a SK68 and a J18, wait for a few prospective buyers to be at his table. Go over, praise how awesome the lights are, show you have them, and then tell them how much you paid for them :smiley:

I think they have guns at those places don’t they?