I had one, and got rid of it when I got my PD35 thinking I wouldn’t need it. This was before I properly realised the significance of tints. The tint in the PD32 UE was fairly neutral and I did enjoy that, in hindsight.
Problem is, I am looking for that light now and can’t seem to find it (obviously, it’s very old now).
Can anyone point me in the direction of a light that is available now, that is essentially the current day version of the PD32 UE?
Whats important to me;
- Neutral tint
- takes 18650
- Same form factor (size/weight)
- Reliability (at the Fenix sort of level - price wise similar)
- Similar output levels and modes
I really enjoy the Tactical switch for on/off and then the side switch for changing modes
You can see I really want the PD32 UE, but I cannot seem to find one. Any guidance, please?
Thank you
Thank you for your reply. It’s very close, but I don’t like the spacing of the modes.
An ultra low of 1 is excellent, but then to jump from 1 to 70 is too high a jump, ideally you need a 10-15 lumen version in there before 70 lumens comes in. And the jump from 240lumens to 1000 is also a massive step, you need a level after 240 before the 1000.
But that is the only in the shortlist so far which even comes close, thank you. Just very odd mode levels, IMO.
Can anyone else think of one that perhaps “fixes” that shortcoming?
LeafSamurai Thank you, still not the spacing I like but that’s the best I have seen so far. What is the difference between those 2 lights?
Enderman Thank you, but that low is still too high when compared to an ideal low of 10-15. The jump from 1 to 55 is still quite large for night adjusted eyes.
Speed4goal That website only has the PD32 2016, not the PD32 Ultimate Edition, they are different lights, but thanks.
Not much difference in terms of mode spacing but the TC12 is a rechargeable version of the TN12 and the TC12 comes with a 18650 3400mah battery. It is slightly more expensive than the TN12.
If you’re getting the TC12, make sure you get the TC12 v2 version. It should available from Thrunite Direct from Amazon UK.
The 55 mode is only 15 lumens higher than the 40 on the Fenix agreed, but the steps themselves are bigger.
For example;
Nitecore: From 1 to 55 = 54 lumen jump
Fenix: From 9 to 40 = 31 lumen jump
In the dark when you are using 1 lumen (for the Nitecore) and then the next step is suddenly 55, that’s a big jump.
In the Fenix, when you are using 9 lumens, your eyes have adjusted to 9, and the jump to 40 isn’t that big a jump to your eyes.
So I got the Thrunite TN12 in NW, but it had a very noticeable greenish tint to it, not neutral at all. I’ve become a bit of a tint snob recently (for better or worse) and it really annoyed me so I’ve sent it back. Can it be the XP-L emitter? My TN12 NW had the XP-L emitter, and had the greenish tinge to it. A friend got the Thrunite Archer 2A V3 in NW, which has the XP-L emitter also, and that too had the greenish tint to it. And this green becomes very apparent when compared to a Nichia emitter, so I’m definitely not imagining it.
Plus, the momentary on, was rubbish compared to the Fenix ones. In the Fenix, a light tap and the momentary on comes, and you have some way to go before it actually clicks. In the Thrunite, you have a way to go before the momentary on activates, but a slight bit further and it just clicks, that’s a horrible design if you are wearing gloves.
I think I will wait for Fenix to bring out their next release in NW.
Thanks for the replies everyone.