A Man Cave garage should have..............

a urinal. Not just some toilet with a door either. Although that would be wonderful too. Man, am I tired of being in the middle of a pressing project in the MC and I gotta take a real bad leak. Ya know one those squeezin’ your legs together kind. But ya don’t wanna stop what you’re doin’ so ya hold it, and ya hold it, and ya hold it,……….until it’s like the Hoover Dam’s ready to let loose. Then ya run back into the house, slammin’ open the patio door screen, nearly trippin’ over the dog, the wife and whatever the h*ll else decides to get in your as*‘s way as you barely make it, slamming the bathroom door and barely missing the lid as Ol’ Faithful does its thing. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. But then the best part comes.

So many times I’ve stood there over the porcelain and thinkin’

And then as if nothing happened when it’s all over I’m right back to the project at hand.

Then I snap outta my dream as one of the kid’s pounding on the bathroom door ’cause they gotta go.

Man Cave Dreams are the best for as long as they last.

Just sayin’……………

A bar full of all kinds of beverages, A/C, a BIG screen TV with cable, Xbox, PS3, Wii, Gaming computer, Comfortable sofa that can turn into a bed, a recliner, fully equipped restroom/bathroom/jacuzzi, a workbench with drawers full of tools, some electric tools like a mill and a lathe, some RC cars and monster trucks, some swords, airguns, flashlights and a Gorgeous sexy woman that loves you and all your hobbies.

:smiley: :open_mouth:

A cave woman that knows how to run a lathe and end mill

and doesn't care is the seat is up...

Adding to the above, a pool table, couches, recliners, pinball machines, dartboards, a stage with a runway, lights, sounds, and a couple of poles. :bigsmile:


Have some of you guys had an out-of-body experience and are describing heaven?

Yeah I feel you. all of the above plus it needs to be big enough for a motor home to fit, a boat , and a hydraulic

lift. and a little room with a bed and i'm straight..

You all forgot the stripper pole and shooting range… a friend of mine’s boss has both.

A large stockpile of lithium batteries

A smaller cave within a cave. Let's call it a Nerd Cave. Here's one, with lyrics to boot:


The likelihood that the drawstring on your shorts will tie itself in a knot is directly proportional to the perverse square law ((n + g)^2)/A where n is the value in squirms of need to pee, g the value in globs of goo on your hands and A the number of toilets currently available.

I just pop open the back door when I need to piss.

Put a 5 gallon bucket in the corner… there’s your urinal!! :bigsmile:

Floor drain FTW.

It gets COLD here....

I did that once, after a few too many.

Bad idea. Dog figured it meant he could too…


Slop sink then ?

If he can follow your act in the slop sink, you have a talented pooch.

that’s actually what I did. unfortunately, new shop has no sink.

i like rikr’s idea.

and to add to the other ideas…

there’s nary a mention of music here?! my shop is BUMPIN - speakers have to, at a minimum, be easy to hear over the grinder, even w/ hearing protection J)

I had a detached garage at my old house and when working out there in the winter and drinking several Miller Lites didn’t want to open the door and let the heat out the bucket was my friend. Empty it at the end of the day/night and wash it out… good to go!!

My only concern is, is this wide and long enough? :smiley: :open_mouth: :beer: x :beer:

Cause for my concern is one of the comments……


I have one of those.

the opening it is pretty generous, but if length is an issue, you’re getting way to friendly w/ the thing.

of note, there is a female accessory for the end of it.

good luck getting a woman to use it.

that’s why I bought it. a woman insisted I bring my porta potty (from travel trailer), to our island campsite.