I received a Sofirn SP32A v. 2 today to replace a Wowtac that went bad. I already had an SP32A, but version 1.
This isn’t a problem; just a matter of curiosity. The first SP32A version had a high output of 900 with 1550 for turbo. The newer version has 500 and 1300 respectively. Version 2 has ART and is said to be more stable. Why might they have lowered those levels?
Thanks. I hadn’t looked at the runtimes. One hour @ 900 lumens for version 1; 3:35 @ 500 on v. 2. Even turbo is almost 5 times longer. I think I’ll keep v.2 in the car.
I have both also and find the newer one more stable and cooler. Turbo on the first heated up fast. I don’t see any step down with the newer one at top of ramp. Maybe my eye just doesn’t catch it?
Also have both, 32A has the fried egg in center of beam and pulls scary amps on Turbo. Intentionally use a lower amp battery in that one for safety.
Has a lower low vs the V2 but like the V2 overall better.
Got it in that cool color changing/appearing platinum/silver/gold depending on the light.
I have an Xtar 2600mAh battery in the 32A. Would you say that’s low enough amperage for safety? My V.2 was advertized as gold; I’ll have to look at it in different lights.
Yeah that battery is fine.
A stronger battery is fine as long as you remember not to burn on turbo especially if you tail stand it. would never let anyone else use it that is not a flashaholic.
Put a Samsung 30Q when first purchased and it read over 7 amps on turbo.
Sofirn realized very quickly that this thing was too much and changed to V2. Don’t think there were too many of the 32A’s made.
Yes, that’s why I posed the question. I still don’t know much about the inner workings of these things. But the explanation of lower heat and longer runtimes made sense.
I use it in step mode rather than ramping, so I haven’t checked out the difference in that mode.
Yes , it is strange. I can run it at high for long periods of time without a noticeable drop in output yet the body stays relatively cool. So I am wondering if it drops and I just don’t see it or it does not drop which seems unlikely. I have not seen any comments about this anywhere.