A moment of silence please..

fail dedome?

No just building a big 445nm LED

> phosphate


Sorry for your loss. May it RIP……. :cry:

theres one school of thought? that you go where you want to go when you die…

i enjoyed fighting, so, the idea of “valhalla” is appealing. we fight every day, we feast and drink every night, and our wounds are healed over night and we do it all over again every day. Fine spring fields all around the “great house”.

i am also “best friends” with dogs and cats my whole life? almost to the near exclusion of most people? that i personally figure i might as well not just PICK UP dogs and cats i lost at rainbows bridge… i’ll just STAY there. Rainbows bridge? once again, fine spring fields… and plenty of dogs and cats will “speak for me” i am allowed to stay there with them.


both are fine spring fields…
i think these places are right around the corner from each other, and i can spend a week at either as i feel like it…

thats where I am going… you can go where you wish….

I spent “enough time” at church growing up, and several years at catholic gradeschool? I’ll be DAMNED if i am spending eternity with THOSE people… i’d sooner willingly go to hell….

You absolutely sure about that?? :wink:

Ye tested it at first but it seemed broken.
Beam is a nice full angry blue: Good at lighting up GITD things, bad at… Everything else? :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess each dead XP-G3 could’ve been a dead CBT-90… :wink:

Y’mean you’d rather not spend eternity with Sister Mary Alice Meanface?

Where’s my ruler…?

I do not understand the exact reason of de-doming (apart from boredom). If it been a good thing, led manufacturer would have released domeless versions of all manually de-domeable leds. I know there have to be domeless leds, but do not we already have domeless versions of appropriate leds like xp-l2 -> xp-l hi ? And they are tested and verified unlike manually de-domed leds.

You absolutely sure about that?? Wink

yes. sure as anything.

i do not kneel, bow, grovel, scrape, nor beg… for any man or woman, nor any system of things, of any kind. unto my own death. And in the hereafter, if it comes to that.

you are given free will as well? you are free to do as you wish with it. But? thats how i roll… if there really is an almighty? then he made me eccentric, he will understand. Or not… its not that i dont care? its that i cant care.

i go through life on MY own terms. Not on someone else’s.


when dedoming ceases to show benefits? i am sure people will quit dedoming, LMAO… until then?


Initially, to make the chip “unmagnified”, ie, look smaller, ie, have more surface brightness, ie, throw more/better.

That’s exactly why Cree came out with HI versions of the same HD chips, to save people the agg from doing it themselves.

Plus, you can hit the tint lottery, either get something green and vomity, or something rosy and nice. Dunno ’til you actually do it. Plus, it gives people a sense of accomplishment. :smiley:

With the HIs, you know what you’re getting as soon as you light it up, and the phosphor’s not all nekkid and exposed.

Guess the HI version is more akin to a shaved chip, not necessarily dedomed, in that there’s still a thin protective layer on top of the chip/phosphor, but it isn’t magnified.

Hmm so given that there are a lot of benefits of de-doming, it is more likely that led manufacturers just do not “want” to release de-domed versions. Maybe because of stock control or profit/loss balance.

teacher? now thats funny… chortle

:+1: … :wink: