heres my take on it…
1) practical real life. I contracted to receive something from “SUMwun flashlights”. Its an internet company. THATS who i bought the light off of. If theres a ghost company on their end, whatever. SUMwun flashlights is obligated to mske sure i “get” my flashlight. I dont care who made it, i just care they sold it to me. If its a drop ship, whatever… THEY are on MY hook for a flashlight. Now, if its actually the drop shippers “fault”? Thats not my concern, thats SUMwun’s concern, thats between SUMwun and the dropshipper. If its the shippers fault? Again, thats because “somebody” contracted with that shipper… not my concern. I get a light in the mail eventually? cool. I dont get one? I expect SUMwun to be my point of contact to fix it.
I like to stay “on point”, and the rest is smoke and mirrors. YOU take payment, YOU owe me. If you handle it? fine. If I have to paypal twist your arm? whatever…
2) Now, if its interesting in a crossword puzzle sort of way? You want to really understand the complicated network of SUMwun Inc… know theres a ghost company drop shipper… realize THIS shipper gets it, then passes it to THAT shipper, and gets handed off to ABC who sends it to my post office system?
I have the “crossword gene”, i LIKE to understand things… but, thats only in an idle curiosity sort of way.
I get a FLASHLIGHT. Or i get my money back. I dont WANT 2 lights, but, its better than NO LIGHT. I would LIKE to ship the extra one back? I dont wanna pay 30 dollars shipping to send back a 5 dollar light, SUMwun doesnt wanna pay it… whatever.
I DO feel bad for “some entity somewhere” when 2 lights show up in the end, but, I’m not hiring a private investigator to track down the complicated network of contracts and obligations, thats someone elses job title.
i like to stay on point with the basics. SUMwun might be eager to blame the shipper or the ghost company, the ghost company might blame shipping or SUMwun… theres multiple “shipping” going on from china to my house… real easy for everyone to point hte finger at the other in a big circle.
Its a giant football team, from SUMwun to ghost company, and the multiple shipping companies… The TEAM fumbled. Whatever…
I get a light or my money, SUMwun can do “whatever” it is they “do”…
I recently started shipping xp-g1 emitters. I have shipped over a thousand of them in total, i hope to ship more.
if one of my customers doesnt GET their emitters? Its MY responsibility to fix it. Or give them money. The fact that I KNOW i mailed it at the post office? might mean something to ME, and concerning “who” i might try to get the cost back out of… but, thats immaterial to the guy in Wyoming or in the UK who didnt get emitters.
if the buyer WANTS to be kind and understanding of the fact i am re-selling with no profit? To help my friends out? or for whatever other reason? Thats really nice… but, they dont HAVE to.
on HERE though? you know me personally, i know you personally… we all sh!t in the same pit. I actually WANT to ship more of them, at cost, to more members… and i cant COMPLETE MY MISSION if theres a “problem”, no matter what that problem is.
Maybe i COULD blame the post office, MAYBE i can get something back out of them, maybe not… but, the problem is my baby. My MISSION is to ship emitters at cost right now. If ONE person complains? That will prevent 10 times as many future members from getting helped, and i either stop my mission or i continue and “eat it”.
a for-profit company? their mission might be to show a profit. They might re-sell at cost to attract customers, or even sell below cost just to clear out shelves to stock new product and show more profit. They might have a price buster on one thing, figuring you’ll buy more thngs to go with it. Whatever.
In the end? the CUSTOMER wants what he paid for, or his money back. WHo gets blamed, who pays it, who eats it, who ships out twice? ALL immaterial to the buyer.
Now that i shipped over a thousand emitters? I can see things from the sellers point of view, and i am still a customer from other sellers. Yeah, if you get a refund and want to keep quiet about receiving 100 emitters, because you are that much of a cheapskate? thats on you and how you like th guy in the mirror. If I ship you another 100 emitters? and 3 months later the first 100 shows up?
i expect you to say something, heck, i might suggest YOU do a “give away”.
maybe THATS what we should all do. When we occasionally get a second free shipment? or a refund and still get the product? Maybe we should all agree to do some kind of giveaway here, or, post the “gifting” of it.
NO ONE can “make” other people be honest, no one can make other people agree to help other members out for no profit… but? you should try it sometime… it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling all over, and it makes you feel good about yourself, and thats in a way that snickering at your good fortune to get free stuff doesnt give you.
the man in the mirror looking back at you? you will LlIKE HIM MORE… and all the people that know you? will probably like you more too.
so far? i have made over a dozen members “happy”. I am happy too… thats 13+ happy people.
if just one member would do what i did and am doing? 26+ members would be happy… think of the possibilities if this catches on…
i say, lets all be VERY HAPPY, and this hasnt cost me anything yet… and we all sh!t in the same pit here? we might as well all be whistling and happy since we are all here anyways.