A question for Nitecore EDC33 owner(s)

What happens when you turn the cold EDC33 to the momentary Search mode (not the LuminShield turbo) and try to keep it on (without reactivating - just half-press and hold it)?

i.e. what happens when it steps down AFTER 20-30 sec of fairly constant high output?

a) It steps down to about half the original output, then maintains it for as long as you keep half-pressing the switch

b) It steps down to about half the original output, then gradually decreases it until some not-too-hot temperature level is maintained.

c) It steps down to about half the original output, then keeps it for X (1?, 2?, 5?,…) minutes, then steps down to moonlight too cool down.

d) It does something completely different.

In reviews people let it step down after 20-30 seconds, then reactivate it anew, and it’s hard to figure out what the thermal regulation does if one just starts the Search mode and keeps searching without switching it off and on.

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Hi mcjtom, it’s difficult to hold the switch down for a long time, we should find a system that holds it down. I still tried for over 3 minutes with the SEARCH level. This level measured by me is around 55,000cd. After 20 seconds the brightness drops to about half, in my case it was slightly over half. For the test time, over 3 minutes, the brightness remained constant. The ATR regulation system certainly then intervenes.
That’s all.

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