A very bad action I did!!!

I have made a bad thing so that I burnt my LED!!!
I was powering my XML-T6 drop-in for WF-501B with 2 3.7v 16340 batteries. I was bright for few second and I realized there were some bad smell for the light. I turn it off and turn it on again. OH NO!!! MY LIGHT HAS BECOME DIMMER.VERY VERY DIM!!! HELP!!!

You killed the driver. You might have killed the LED as well. Time for a new drop-in.

Sorry to be the bearer of that bad news…


I though it will work with 2 3.7v 16340 batteries. Or should I get 3.6v but not 3.7v???

Which Drop-In? Most P60 Drop-Ins are not rated for more than 4.2V. If yours is rated for more, than it shouldn’t have failed.

Yeah, I just tried it on P60 drop in!!! And I tried it on a 9v Xenon light bulb. Worse than that, it lights up for few second and NO MORE BRIGHTNESS!!!

You didn’t answer me. Which Drop-In?

1st : http://dx.com/p/26-5mm-cree-xm-l-t6-840lm-5-mode-drop-in-module-silver-164723
2nd : http://www.kaidomain.com/Product/Details.S000905

I have ordered this for the 2 batteries. Can it work?


That’s 2.8 to 4.2 volts. It wasn’t rated for that much current. You killed it.

I am planning to run it on 9v xenon, hope it works good with 2x 3.7v batteries.

yea i think you killed it, the drop according to the specs is Working Voltage 2.8~4.2V, with the 2 batteries in series you put over 8 volts thru it and fried it

the xenon should do fine if it is rated for 9v

I just hope the incoming 9v xenon bulb won’t getting killed by the cells.

That Xenon you linked to should be fine. It’s rated plenty high.

The others are correct though, You’ve destroyed your LED Drop-In. It clearly says in the description that max voltage is 4.2.

Solarforce and others make P60 LED Drop-Ins that can tolerate higher voltages…
Example: solarforceflashlight-sales.com - Informationen zum Thema solarforceflashlight sales.


Just but a new light, it’s safer than drop in cuz they might not fit or will create rings etc… I learn my lesson with a c8 drop-in. Never buy drop-ins when the light is only 1-3 dollars more.
C8 drop-in 9.50… C8 light 9.5-14.00… saved 5 bucks at most… created some rings… that werent’ there before… Save urself 14 bucks and buy a new light.

I just ordered a drop in that can operate up to 18v

What’s the minimum voltage on it? Don’t want to see you end up at the other end of the spectrum where you need more than you have…

3.7v ~ 18v

1 - 18650 will give you 3.7 volts and more run time. That first dropin that you blew was made for that one battery. You do not need 2 smaller cells, with their combined voltage in that host.