AA UV lights?

Where can I find budget UV lights that use AA batteries. 365-380 range I guess


29.80$, don't know if it's in your budget, but it's a good flashlight (although weak. Look for reviews in this site)

There is a a 1 or 2AA C3 uv on KD for about 11usd, no idea of the wavelength.

HKE says it's 390nm: http://hkequipment.net/index.php?p=6&sp=&cat0=1&cat1=11&cat2=121&id=658&new=&more=&lang=en&msg=Session%20Expiried!&s=

(but they specify a different voltage range, so maybe not the exact same model)

All C3 models suck, buy the Tank007 if you need AA and 365nm.


Anything other than 365nm isn't much good anyway. Anything else is only partly in the UV spectrum and don't do as good a job. It's difficult to make a true 365nm LED and it's why they are so much more expensive than lesser UV LEDs. I priced them out once to see about converting a light to 365 and the LED alone was more than that Tank007 IIRC. It's worth spending more for the Tank007 IMO.

And if you want to significantly upgrade your experience with your UV lights, get yourself a pair of safety UV glasses like the one I reviewed here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/1910