About SFT40 5000K

I have a Wurkkos TD03 with a SFT40 5000K and somehow I like it very much. Not “rosy” not “green” just contrasty and bright. So, what I want to ask the community is; did I get lucky or am I safe to buy another SFT40 5000K flashlight and can expect the same beam CCT and CRI? Is there a “lottery” in this emitter?

I’ve got four lights with 5000K SFT40s and they’re all good.

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I’ve not had the bin from Wurkkos, but all my SFT40 5000K’s from Convoy have been consistently neutral - no green, no pink, as you say. From what I understand, this is what the 5000K’s are known for. If you don’t need higher CRI, but don’t care for green, this is the tint you pick.

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I too have gotten 2 very good 5000 k sft40 lights from convoy in two different orders. Bright white without the green.

I like neutral to warm tints, but these are very good emitters.

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Mine looks rosy in my S8. I woudln’t buy it again.

Does your lens maybe have a purple AR coating?
You could try it without the glass just to check if it’s that.

The SST40 5000K are my new go-to standard LED.
Back in the day it was the XM-L2 4C with 4000K, today I want something more cold, 5000-5700K.

I was researching for that recently (here for example: Purple vs green AR coating comparison). I found out that purple coating means more green in the beam while green coating means less green. I don’t know if that’s the case but i didn’t ask for anything particular from Simon, when i ordered.

Seriously? Why?

Perhaps he doesn’t like rosy tint? It’s not universally loved.

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