Just saw this posted on Acebeam’s new product page. Acebeam Headlamp
That looks nice. Newest Cree in there look promising. Wonder what run times are? Hope its fully adjustable in output. Must have a moon light mode for me.
Looks familiar down to the tailcap. I guess if you can’t beat them join them. Hope it’s good and affordable.
Can that be run with a single 18650 or does it need 2 –18350’s
True. Looks like a copy of Zebralight to me.
2x18350 seems more likely to me.
There doesn't seem to be enough mass in the head to handle the heat of 2000 lumens. Even if it was a stepped down timer, of say, 5 minutes, I think it'll still be too hot. At that point in time, thermal sag will probably affect the headlamp straight away and you won't even see that 2000 lumens in all of those 5 minutes (assuming the step-down timer).
I'd like to be proven wrong though. :)
Of course, 2 days after my H602w arrives, this is announced. Oh well, such is life. I doubt it has a UI as amazing as ZL’s!
If it does run off of 2-18350’s after reading about the flashlight that blew up in the guys mouth I’ll stick to single cell lion headlamps
Yeah, I’m not strapping two cells in a metal tube to my forehead 0:)
That was my first thought.
Looks like an original design to me. Runtime will be really bad if it is 2*18350. I’m curious to see more about it.
We should call it an homage right?
They really aren’t that similiar. I see more of a resemblance to the Skilhunt H02, which is not much at all.
Oops. I thought Skilhunt H02 is a copy of Sebralight already, except that it has a switch on the side while Zebralight has it at the end. It is also half the price of a comparable Zebralight
I any case, I am curious how Acebeam’s HT10 headlamp is going to pan out. Pulling 2000 lumens out of this size headlamp seems like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Pure magic.
Perhaps, they will produce an XH-P50-based C8 next since no other manufacturer seems to be thinking of it.
As a huge fan of the C8 form factor, I sure hope you’re right!
So when are these going to hit the market?
MT-G2 and or xhp50?
Are they waiting on us to tell them which emitter?

Just saw this posted on Acebeam’s new product page. Acebeam Headlamp
Started a thread on this back at the beginning of April when I first saw it on their site:
Acebeam MTG2 headllamp —— https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/32802
Emailed them twice since then still no reply.
Looks interesting.Just saw this on their website.Wonder if it will step down in 1000lumen mode.
Also is Bella afraid of us? CPF gets a direct Acebeam post.
BLF? we will see?
30lm 60hours
200lm 4.5 hours
500lm 1.8hours
1000lm 0.9 hours
and I also wrote to Bella for more info specfially to my BLf address, so far no dice.
I want to know when are they sendingthem out for review?when will Mhalen get his?