I like both of these as far as size and throw capabilities. Both 4x18650, both with similar specs, 6500-6750 lumens, 750ckd-775ckd. Acebeam cost a bit more, ($239) vs ($170). Is the added cost worth it to those who have one or both?
Bigger reflector, better throw.
Personally I would go for K65GT (I own K75)
The head diameter is 84mm on the MT90 and 90mm on the K65GT. However, the listed specs are higher on the MT90, perhaps overinflated? I’m wondering where the extra $60 goes into with the K65GT.
Brand, quality, warranty, R&D.
Acebeam is pricey, but you get what you pay for
Sorry I don’t have a horse in this race but my next light will be a K75.
“sp5it” is correct, Brand, quality, warranty, R&D.
I have these two, XHP70.2 dedomed and SBT90.2, both modded to max.
Once you go down the modded thrower path, there is no escape. :person_facepalming:
I have a BLF GT and plan to get the BLF GT94 at some point. I’m wanting a mid-size thrower so was narrowing it to the k65gt or mt90. the k75 is also a great light, but the head size is bigger than my preference. I was happy with the quality of the ft02s, so was gonna take a shot on the mt90 perhaps.