Acebeam x75 Replacing X65

*Hi Everyone, *

*First, I apologize that I am not asking about a “budget” light, as that is what this forum is about. I just happen to believe that this is the best place in the world to get input on flashlights. *

*A long time ago, I used credit card points to get an Acebeam X65, which would have been well out of my budget without the points. The thing I liked most about the light was that the blinding reflection it made when I shined it on something. I also liked how I could get the same blinding effect at anything I shined it at from more than a mile away. That was present with probably the best combination of flood and throw I’ve ever seen on any single light. *

*Since then, lumens capabilities have drastically increased, as we know. That paired with the fact that one of the seals on my Acebeam x65 leaked, allowed it to get wet, & caused it to stop working led to my itch for a new BIG light to become unbearable. *

*Today, I own an Acebeam x75 that I got for $319 on Black Friday using money from my wedding! I love the new light, and the 80,000 output is better than my other recent purchase, a 16,000 lumen Sofirn Q8 plus. However, as we know it’s not 4x as bright as the Sofirn because that’s not how lumens work. 4x the lumens isn’t 4x as bright. Still, I think the Acebeam still nicer than the Sofirn, despite the law of diminishing returns presenting a great case for the Sofirn. *

Here is my big dilemma. The Acebeam 75 does not produce the same blinding reflection off surfaces or throw like my Acebeam X65 did. Obviously, the x75 is a flood light, not a thrower. For this reason, I have contacted Acebeam and am strongly considering getting my Acebeam X65 repaired. I believe I liked my Acebeam x65 because it had de-domed LEDs, producing this blinding reflection and throw that I am discussing. However, Acebeam’s service department says I can also get a discount on a new light, which I haven’t fully explored yet. This idea paired with the de-domed LED situation has me considering a second Acebeam X65 but the 70.3 hi version instead of my 70.2 version. As I understand, the 70.3 hi version has a de-domed LED in the middle of the domed LEDs, producing slightly lower lumens but a better hotspot and throw. That said, ALL of the LEDs in the Acebeam X65 are de-domed. In addition, the difference between the 12,000 lumens in the x65 will not be 8 times as bright. My question is: Could the 70.3 hi version of the x75 produce enough of a blinding reflection off of objects and enough throw to itch the same itch as my x65 or should I repair my x65?

*I hope that all makes sense and wasn’t too wordy. *

*Thanks in advance.

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I’d say the X65 throws further primarily because of the large reflectors. Yes, dedomed LEDs will increase throw a bit more, but I don’t think that’s a game changer. So if you put HI emitters in the X75, I don’t think it will give you a comparable wow factor that you get from the X65.

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You can get the X75 with XHP70.3HI instead of XHP70.2 which throws better, at the cost of only making 67,000 lm.

Wuben A1? , higher candela; brighter reflections?
Cheers :flashlight: