I had an old battery case for a Iphone 3g, it contained a small Li-Po battery and I recently saw that it had seperated the plastic casing from the Li-Po puffing up. It is outside in an ammo can and I'm not sure what to do with it.
I recently noticed the case seperating on my wife’s 4 year old Magellan GPS. Opened it up and found the same thing, the Li-Po looks like a little pillow. It’s sitting in my garage. Funny thing is the Magellan works fin without it, as long as it’s plugged in of course.
I'll post pics in a few minutes once I get to my computer.
Itinifi, make sure nothing flammable is near it. These things often catch on fire.
Scaru, take a look at this http://thunderpowerrc.com/PDF/DISPOSAL-OF-LIPO-BATTERIES.pdf
Interesting, I think I will probably take it to the hazardous waste disposal place near me. So far no flames but it did pop and there is now a small hole in it.
Hey Scaru
Sounds like you caught it in time.
I had a puffed lipo from an old heli (TREX450) a while ago.
I put it outside in a container with salty water for 2 weeks, it bubbled,
then I disposed of it after some experimental percussion.
I keep lipos in a metal toolbox with the lid un-latched down in the back ammo dump shed.
You’ll find plenty of advice in the RC community and plenty of vids on youtube.
Put it in salt water for 2 days then you can throw it in the bin safely.