Advice on flashlights to send to friends with intermittent power

So we just need to surrender to russia and all die (or flee)? To end this war one side should bear significant losses. It’s either Ukraine or russia. There is no other way to stop it. No dialogue or negotiations can happen before that. But UK and USA are kind of promised to protect Ukrainian independence Budapest Memorandum - Wikipedia

So the war will continue even if You are not comfortable with this idea. By the way right now there is an explosions outside somewhere not far away from my house. russia keeps attacking us will missies and drones.

World War II might have ended much earlier if the Allied Powers just surrendered to the Axis Powers.

(I'm being sarcastic here.)

May it be recalled that Ukraine voluntarily abandoned the third nuclear arsenal in 1994, under the guarantee of the superpowers?

However, if this bothers you: we will warm ourselves by fires and fight with cobblestones from the pavement ...

If we can bring this back to flashlights for a moment, I would suggest lots and lots of quality chargers that deliver at least 2 amps. When power IS available, they can charge as many cells as possible simultaneously.

Is their power 220v. 50 cycle, or other? If I can help in any way, P.M. me.

We already did.

I.o.w., there is no good side in this conflict, only propaganda, from both sides.
The history leading up to this war is decades long and complex.
So i try to remain neutral and my heart goes out to the people suffering.

I think you’re being naive.

Jerommel, I suspect you’re too young to recall “the entire world” rescuing your people from the Nazis. My Canadian uncle gave his life while doing exactly that. It’s a shame that you’re unwilling to pay it forward.

But, you’re welcome all the same.

I think you misunderstand.
But let’s just leave it at that.

Да, давайте закончим в Гааге! Not naive my friend...

If the war has already ended there would be no war being fought.
Nice attempt at gaslighting.

Bothersiderism and intentionally muddying the waters allows you to be an apologist for evil and allows you to surrender and condemn others to death.
Claiming your heart goes out to them is preposterous, you are making excuses.

I’m quite sure that if those countries (or rather their governments and 3rd parties that influence them) that “help” Ukraine didn’t have any interests in this matter, this war wouldn’t even have started.

Calm down.

Hi guys, please completely drop the political aspects of this topic.

Yeah… everyone.
Maybe get back to flashlight discussion ??
I come here for relief from the hot headed, opinionated political crap that is thrust on me daily in today’s environment.

I should have left it at that.

I just have no words!!!

I will try to make it as simple as possible: this war will only end when one of the countries will be destroyed. If Ukraine loses support, it means death and torture for many Ukrainians and loss of independence. If Ukraine continues to receive support, it means that russia will either become an isolated outcast like North Korea, or collapse like the ussr. Latter can require Ukrainian military forces to enter russia territory to bring military action to the enemy land. But anyway there is absolutely no option for some magical “peaceful” resolution. russians are raping and killing our kids. This is not because of evil putin, or “bad global governments”, or illuminati, or covid vaccines. Historical context doesn’t matter at all. They started this war to kill as many of us as they can. It as simple as that. By the way they hate all of You even more than us. Their official rhetoric is that they are actually fighting with USA on the Ukrainian land. And most of Ukrainian military forces actually consists of USA/NATO contractors. But in reality they are killing and torturing civilians on every occasion and actively destroying our cities.

P.S. And we don’t even started to speak about upcoming war with China which can be many times worse. For example it can start from attack on Taiwan in which case US military forces will be directly involved in the military action agains a huge and pretty modern PLA. There is also Iran and DPRK. If Russia will fail miserable maybe we can postpone these conflicts for 10-15 years or even more.