Ah Sh*t-My Trustfire X6-Or find me a 3 volt 20 amp LED!

As some of you know I have a Trustfire X6 that uses a SST-90 LED. It was modded by E1320 with a 9 amp driver and runs off of 3 18650s. This means it should draw around 3-4 amps to supply 9 amps which is in the upper limits of a low bin SST-90. (This is important)

In the past it has come up that the thermal protection kicked in after a minute or two. Naturally this is a problem and I was playing around with using 2 cells to delay it kicking in. So I measured current draw. On my DMM with thick 8 gauge wire. Here are the measurements.

3 cells: 7 amps

2 cells: 6.8 amps

So with a 80% efficient driver on 3 cells the LED is getting 12.6*7=88.2 watts*.8=70.56 watts/3.5=20.16 amps!

Naturally this scared me so I took it apart to measure current at the LED and my DMM (which goes up to 10 amps but generally works up to around 13 amps before going to Overload) went straight to overload. So this means the low bin SST-90 in my X6 is getting 13+ amps!

So does anyone know of a LED that could work with this current?

Edit: LZP and MTG-2 are both out because of the high forward voltage.

Try it with a MT-G2 emitter!

MT-G2 needs 6 volts, actually that may work since it is a buck driver. But still they don’t need 20 amps, only 6.

"Only" 6A@6V would already be a massive overdrive for the MT-G2.. :P

Yes, but at 6 amps it is still increasing in brightness according to Matches testing. Not at all efficient but it would work...

Thought about dual SST 90s under an aspheric?

You could defocus it just enough to blend the hotspots together.

Maybe, DX does have a 75mm aspherical lense. :D

EEKS!20 amps wow,not much I can think of as far as led's that will handle that current,even led engin takes only 1200milliamps on multi-die emitters.I think you should desolder a few chips on the stack to bring down the amps,no wonder thermal trips right away.

It's not a 7135 based driver or else that would already be done. :( I think 3 SST-90s and a aspheric may be the way to go. Just don't particularly feel like buying 2 new LEDs.

But just think how epic triple sst90s would be under a 75mm aspheric…

if you could mount a copper slug of a heatsink in there it might actually light whatever you point it at on fire.

Just looked at the price for them, at 29.49 each I don't think I'm going to be using 2 of them. I guess I may just switch out the driver or something.

Oops!didn’t know,yeah that could turn in to an expensive project.A triple sst-90 mule light would be pretty cool though.

Yeah, it would be awesome but I already have invested a substantial chunk of money into my triple XM-L P60 lights. (Vinz is making me one that is DD on high along with 1.2 amps on medium.

What 18650s are using scaru?

NCR18650s, they’re 2900 mah and rated for a max discharge of 5.8 amps. I guess that’s another thing I should be keeping an eye on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Luminous pt-120 will take 30 A. Positive ground presents a design challenge however a little creativity can solve that problem

Do those come in white?

Just looked it up and those things cost 70 dollars a piece. I think I'll just get a new driver. ;)

You Wiil most likely spend that much on way worse stuff….go for it.lol.

You should be able to lower output to the SST90 by increasing the values of the driver’s current sense resistor/s. Basically you’d be increasing the resistor values to lower the output to the emitter. AlexGT implemented this method to increase output current with lower resistor values (post #47 in this thread).