All Gone

Up for sale are Six of these Defiant brand flashlights 3 Left, Two Black and One Silver. 11-09-13 12Noon Central time.




These are 3xAAA lights. They have plastic reflectors and plastic lenses. Perfect for a non-flashaholic who will drop them. The plastic lenses won't break near as fast as glass. I have modified them with XM-L T6 3C leds on 20mm stars. Under the star is a copper disc, to help heat transfer. They are driven by NANJG drivers at 1.4 amps. Modes are L/M/H/Strobe/SOS and they are last mode memory drivers.

I also will include a sleeve for use with one 14500 Li-ion battery, so these lights are versatile. You can use Alkaline AAA, NiMH AAA, Lithium 1.5V AAA or a 14500 Li-ion.

Here's a beam shot of the lights. They all look the same.



The second shot is stopped way down to a faster shutter speed, to show some definition to the hot spot. These are floody lights, just what a beginner or non-flashaholic would like for Christmas.

Price is $15USD each... But, shipping will have to be added.

Total price with Shipping and Handling for USA is $19.00

Total price with Shipping and Handling for CANADA is $25.00

Total price with Shipping and Handling for INTERNATIONAL is $29.00

Sorry, but international is expensive from the US.

Payment is PayPal oldlumens(insert the @ sign here)

Post here if you want a light or lights and state which color or colors you are taking, so the rest of us will know which ones are gone. Follow that with a payment and a PM to me with your full name and address.


XM-L T6 3D tint is interesting, do you remember where you got these from?
Don’t think I’ve ever seen NW emitters for sale in that tint.

Nice functional lights these, I’m sure they’ll go fast :slight_smile:

Corrected 3C tint, not 3D. Sorry. Dyslexia and spell check doesn't catch that stuff.


I will take a silver one

pm incoming.

edit: paypal sent

also - my dad says he wants one - he should be sending you a pm/paypal shortly too!


Count me in for one.
A black one please.

PM coming.


Thanks guys,

That's one black and one silver gone for sure. Two each left at the moment. I'm off to work.

Ah too bad, I was hoping those 3Ds existed somewhere! :slight_smile:

You forgot to say Hi-ho, hi-ho...

One silver please. PP funds sent.

for anyone who has one of these the new keepower 18500 fit - approx double the run time from 3aaa eneloop :slight_smile:

Cutter had them briefly last winter and I ordered some but missed and took til September to actually get them. Definitely a hard to find tint.