Up for sale are two lights.

This first light is a 4 - XM-L T6 SRK clone that I modded a little bit. I bypassed the resistors on the driver and added a Copper disc between the original star and the backing plate. It reads 8-9 amps on my cheapy digital meter. Modes are H/M/L with no mode memory and you have to cycle thru to get to off.

It has a much larger hot spot than a 3 -XM-L SRK and more spill. It's a very bright short range light.


The second light is a Sky Ray S3 that has been stripped and polished. It has an XM-L T6 in it on an Aluminum star and it has a 2.8 amp NANJG driver in it. Modes are L/M/H/Strobe/SOS with last mode memory. It needs an IMR 16340 button top to push out the amps. It gets hot fast.


Price for the SRK is $55 CONUS and includes Priority shipping

Price for the S3 is $42 CONUS and includes Priority shipping.

Payment is PayPal oldlumens(insert the @ sign here)

Please post here first, followed by a payment and a PM to me, with your full name and shipping address.

Thank You

I want the second light!!! Sky Ray S3

You got it. I will try to ship Wednesday.

I’ll take the 4 - XM-L T6 SRK clone.

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 5FG16610S

Thank you, All Sold. All Shipped.

Argh! Why do I sleep?! Nice catch guys.