Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

YakTrax slip on ice grips for street shoes. 40% off = 14.99 / pair.

Note: 40% off only works with site tracking included in the above URL


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Thrunite Ti pro NW $10.99

It says itā€™s a frequently returned item but I Rolled the dice and ordered one. We will see what I get.

[Thrunite Ti Pro NW](ThruNite Flashlight

3 Thanks

I recently got this light. Its pretty great!

Looks like the CW is the one going for $10.99 while the NW is $19.99

Itā€™s still showing both the black cw and nw $10.99 for me. The orange is $22.99 and the green is $12.99. Hmmm


{11,20,23,23} for {CW,NW,orange,green} for me here.

They must use The Dartboard Method for setting prices.

1 Thank

I figured it out; the price changes for prime/non-prime accounts.



1 Thank

Iā€™ve sometimes seen prices that were cheaper for non-prime accounts. What is with the pricing scheme for crying out loud! Crazy

Mine is currently out for delivery. I have little confidence that it will actually be a NW but maybe.

1 Thank

I did indeed get a NW around 5000K. However be warned itā€™s a quiet a bit green with a duv of .009 according to my rudimentary measurements. I donā€™t care for rosy tints so Iā€™m good with it.

1 Thank

Okay, so I cracked it openā€¦ well not really, it had 4 triangle-hole screws holding the bottom plate to the shell, so I didnā€™t bust nuttinā€™ā€¦ and itā€™s pretty decently made.

The sockets are connected in parallel with what looks like 18ga solid wire. Black for hot and switched on input, white for neutral, and actual green ground. Everything soldered.

Thereā€™s a disk-type MOV across the mains for the surge stuff.

The USBs seem parallelled with a switcher providing the raw 5V to each.

Soā€¦ not bad at all.

4 Thanks

I see the LooP Gear SK03 WITHOUT SIDE LIGHTS OR FILTERS is down to $20 using coupon on page and Vi[on code XONJ4TVI.

5 Thanks

I was just about to post that deal, but you beat me to the punch! :grin:

It looks like a great deal for a 1xAA flashlight. :+1:

1 Thank

I got new shoes (from Amazon) today!
Theyā€™re currently $31, which is not a sale price, but I still think that theyā€™re a great value.
You can read more about my new shoes here:

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Opple LM4 is down to $30. Coupon on pageā€¦

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Are there still accuracy issues with this model? Iā€™d enjoy having a way to measure metrics on the various lights in my collection, but it seems feedback on this version is less than favorable.

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Dremel 729-01 11-Piece Carving & Engraving Rotary Tool Accessories Kit $10

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Organize your power tools with the Amoowis Power Tool Organizer w/ Charging Station (3 Shelf, 4 Outlet)

2 Thanks

Large fixed blade knife for $14.50
Looks like a decent deal. :slightly_smiling_face:

3 light headband <$7. Says only 1 left butā€¦

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