Moved into a condo last week and we only get the choice of Time Warner Cable (which sucks btw, they tunnel your web no privacy “I miss Adelphia cable”). Cable price is pricey and is not very economical right now. So i have been looking around for TV. I used to pay a bit for Verizon FIOS TV+NET+PHONE but it is not an option here. I bought one of those crapola Rabbit TV usb sticks and all it does is search stuff for you and i feel its just full of spyware and Bloatware. I have used ROKU before at a friends house and it was cool but today i have been looking at the Amazon fire stick TV but i am unsure of some things.
is there a Catch 22 with the Amazon tv?
I want to be able to watch breaking news live on CNN, enjoy a show with daughter on the Disney channel. OR watch the history channel, military channel or even local news etc “Live” W/O the heavy contract and price from TWC. Can amazon tv supply this? how does it work am i billed monthly or do i pay a one time fee per channel or….There has to be a catch here because nothing is ever FREE ever.
SlingTV is a great service, but it’s not perfect and the channel selection is limited. I suggest you try the 7 day trial on your PC, then if you like it sign up for the three months and they’ll give you the fire TV stick for free
I’ve been wondering about Sling TV too. I’ve got an Amazon Fire TV and really like it. I only really only watch Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime so I want to get rid of my cable. Do you have to have a sling box to use Sling TV?
hmm can i just buy a roku used on ebay, does it have to be the newest roku 3?
I am thinking a roku 2 or even the stick model….and than purchase slingtv to use on the roku.
If it works on windows XP i can just tie my server to one of my TVs and watch TV that way without the need of a roku
Ok, ok, I work in the IT department for a college…I know Windows XP is just about the best Windows OS but…XP? I’m just big on upgrading. I’m always jumping to the next OS as soon as it’s available. Here’s what’s compatible with Sling TV…