AMC 7135 Driver Question

Will a typical 7135 based driver like a Nanjg or KD V2 survive on 3 Lithium primaries? The OC voltage would be around 5V but I don’t know how much the batteries would sag under load, particularly a light load like moonlight.

Total for lithium primarys is 1.8v irrc so 5.4v total for three. It’s only 0.9v more, i don’t see why it should affect anything concidering the load sag on start up which might only be small but after afew seconds of use should drop the voltage, and enough over minutes of use to let it function properly.

I fairly regularly use Nanjg drivers with two 3v CR123s and while they may be running hotter than normal they don't show any signs of distress.

Guess I’ll give it a shot and see if the magic smoke comes out.


Please let us know how it goes, good or bad…

The light I keep in my car is a Convoy S3, 8x7135, XML2 T6 3C (5000K), and two CR123s, which is a higher open circuit voltage than 3 1.8v lithiums.