Hello everyone here at BLF,
you have been a very good knowledge source for me for quite a while now - today I thinks it is time to briefly introduce myself.
My first “real” flashlight was a MAGlite 2D that I have for more than 20 years now (the one with the incan spot bulb installed). A Minimag soon followed and I was happy for quite a long time. Around 2010 I went into the P60 drop-in lights, but only as a user and was happy again.
But it is modding actually that is the real fun factor for me in this hobby. So there are some projects I want to realize: Several Maglite siblings (big and small) and different ones of theese: Varta Mehrzweckleuchte
Next to finish are 50W COB Maglite 2D and 10W COB Maglite 3AA, I hope I will find time soon and share my builds with you!