August 5, 2015, 9:40am
If you find yourself not duckfaced enough, there is now a solution provided by our dear friends at Banggood!
May I suggest the Luscious Lip Augmentation Enlargement Pump Enhancer Plumper
Or, if you find the above product a little bit over the top (or even borderline-risqué) , you will be pleased to hear that you can get the duck appearance from the Full Lips Plump Enhancer Rounded Thickened Luscious Lip Plumper
August 5, 2015, 9:44am
Aye carumba, i bet that in addition to an emptier wallet you also get 10,000% of the RDI of lead, melamine and Bisphenol A
You do know where duckface come from right?
August 5, 2015, 12:58pm
Quote from knowyourmeme: Duck Face”, also known as “Myspace Face”, is a pejorative term for a facial expression made by pressing one’s lips together into the shape of a duck’s bill