Another Swedish member.

Hi all, I’m a long time reader of BLF, CPF and some other forums and I guess I’m a flashaholic :smiley:

Currently using 18650, 14500 and CR123 lights (mostly budget ones) and I’m a bit into LED lightning too, strips and so on. Really like this forum, the only thing I miss (and I’ve read the reasons) is Tapatalk-support.

Just thought it was time to get registered…

BR, Peter

Welcome to BLF! Enjoy your stay!


Välkommen till BLF!

Welcome p_k

Hej hallå å god dag!

Dag? Är det inte kväll ännu?

Hi and welcome p_k.


Välkommen till livet på den ljusa sidan! :slight_smile:

CPF = “the dark side” :slight_smile:

The problem is when you get hooked on the goodies; Zebralight, Sunwayman, 4-Sevens, Nitecore, Olight and so on…

The “good” lights are just soo much nicer… imho anyway…

There is always some promotions/deals posted here, the other day I couldn´t pass up a deal at IlluminationSupply on a Nitecore HC-50 xm-l2 headlamp.

This is your new home, p_k!

E du finlanssvensk?

Since you claim to be Swedish even in the title, here’s a quick Swedish citizenship test:

1) on scale of 0 to 10, how much do you hate Denmark?
2) on a scale from 0 to 10, how much do you hate Finland?
3) on a scale from 0 to 11, how much do you depend on your rich and better Norwegian brothers?

Just kidding! :stuck_out_tongue: Welcome, feel at home here :slight_smile:

Welcome to BLF, hope you enjoy your stay here! :slight_smile:

Nej, jag är finlandsfinsk, men kan nog svenska också.


:smiley: Enjoy your time here!