Any current deals on a decent charger?

My boss asked me to get him a charger that was better than the el cheapo single charger that came with a C8 I bought for like $9.

Looking for something of good quality like an Intellicharger I2 or I4 or Xtar. Hoping to keep it under $20.

I know I missed a few deals on the I-4 and I-2 somewhere but I suspect there is a deal somewhere but I’m not up to speed on who has what on sale right now.


I just ordered an i2 for Illumination Supply. Their prices are good, but not their crazy Nitecore sale prices good.
You can also check ebay. $19.00 bucks or so with free shipping for the i4.

Just a heads up:

$16.50 is the 2nd cheapest it has ever been on Amazon prime though it may go down a bit more before climbing again. $15.05 was the cheapest it has ever been.

I might have to get one……

I got one a few weeks ago from amazon for $15.05, I had some other stuff I was buying so I threw it in since I already had the free shipping amount needed. So it did only cost me 15.05, that was a pretty sweet deal. :wink:

I’m happy with my I-4 so I don’t see any reason not to get one for under $20!

The only problem is charging 4liions at 375mah?