I have the Mini Maglite 2AA LED flashlight from After-Thxgiving sale. I wonder if there are comparable/better ones out there w/ same config (2AA multi-mode zoomable's).
I've seen a few good multi-mode 2xAA's, but haven't found ones that are zoomable's yet. Many zoomable's use only 1AA/14500.
These type lights arent driven very hard and so the 2xAA won't be appreciably better than the 1xAA version, and certainly not any better than the more compact 1x18650, 3xAAA, or 1xCR123 versions.
I personally prefer the 3xAAA version. Much easier to pocket and carry with basically the same advantages.
Yea longer runtime is the main reason... . A good few hours of runtime w/ decent brightness is something I'd always want for the minimum. Haven't got into the Li-Ion camp yet... .
The Mini-Maglite 2AA LED gives me about 5.5 hrs on high (I use 2 Reckyo AA NiMH's), which is quite nice (don't have to grab another set that soon).
The extended length of the flashlight also makes it easier to grab and harder to lose it... . Have some 1AA flashlights but I keep losing track of them... .
W/ the AAA versions for me personally I just feel a bit of a hassle to need to keep quite a few extra AAA's around -- and the capacity isn't that high... .
If I get into buying the bigger lights w/ the XML's I'd perhaps get the Li-Ion's (perhaps get a few good TF flame's).
Once I have some Li-Ion's, I think I'd be in a whole different world... .
The prices aren't out-of-reach for the XML's... . Good sales abound during this holiday season. I've been keeping an eye for a good looking one in silver for a good price. :-)