Any fishing people here?


Been fishing since I was young. Now my new love is pelagic sharpshooting for walleye and northern pike.

Tell me about your fishing. What do you fish and how you fish?

Mainly jigging, luring , trolling a bit now and then , live baiting(worm,maggot)
Mostly at lohja puujarvi (family’s summer place)

Fair weather fisherman !

Mainly get perch , pike, bream
Puujarvi has brown trout in there I’ve been told from my bro in law

Never seen pikeperch there though

We have a place in northern wisconsin. Do alot of drinking beer, fishing for pike, walleye, muskie, bass or whatever bites. Even do a little ice fishing in the winter which includes drinking as well. haha

Muskie and bass intrests me but we don’t have them in Finland. Is walleye the same species as a pikeperch? Current world record on pikeperch is from Finland. Was a bit over 33lbs.

Walleye is zander/pikeperch/kuha

Walleye is zander/pikeperch/kuha

This is what I thought. I was pretty sure that walleye is identical to zander/pikeperch.

Many years ago during the fall time we would wade fish at night with Coleman gas lanterns on a pole for flounder, redfish and speckle trout in Bay St Louis Ms. LED’s were not used in flashlights back then or Maglites, only Rayovac lights.
During the winter we used small aluminum flat bottom boats, camped on the Pearl River for days, fishing day and night. We set Trot Lines across the river near the bottom for Cat fish. During the early morning and late evening we fished for White Perch. During the day we shot guns, cooked, slept. :beer: :beer:
1975, 2 boats in the truck, several friends, 2 brothers, more trucks, boats, and friends not in the picture.


I belong to a club and fish a lot of tournaments. Panfish, bass, pickerel, catfish, flounder, striped bass, and my current favorite bowfishing for carp. My current best is a 40 pound grass carp.

Fishing in and around Puget sound. Mostly salt water, crabbing, shrimping, squidding, trolling (Salmon), jigging (Ling cod), clamming. Luckily friends have boats. I help by maintaining equipment and boat mechanicals, and pitch in for fuel.

Lots and lots of farm ponds out where I live. I have permission to fish a bunch of them. Ponds that are hardly ever fished. 4 to 6 pound large mouth bass and 1 pound bluegill are the norm. You can catch them with just about anything. Live or plastic, if it moves, you will do very well.

I have built nice relationships with landowners. When they need fish culled from the ponds they always give me a call. I’ll take exactly what they want me to take and never over fish their ponds. Have gotten permission to hunt a few pieces of property as well just for being a considerate fisherman. I am very fortunate to have their trust.

I also don’t tell anyone else about the ponds or bring a bunch of friends with me when I go.

Good o’l large mouth bass with a white trick worm around docks. Usually late spring and summer mornings only. I’m an extremely seasonal fisherman. I need the water to be 65 degrees or warmer.

The best place I have fished was gamvik in norway
We went in our yearly boys trip 2 my 2 brother in laws and nephew in law
22 h drive almost none stop , taking turns to drive
We went mainly to fly fish and do a bit of sea fishing for halibut, out in the sea with 300g and 500g jigs , didn’t catch anything but seen a few seals popping up to say hello

Next day 8 hour walk to pitch a 4 man tent next to the river on gods earth 23.5 hours of daylight a day , it was June , we caught all of 3 fish , about a 1 kilo grayling and about a 1 kilo char and a trout , we released the trout but made soup and sashimi with the grayling and char ,

Toddcshoe that behavior is so often’ missing today.
I commend you for that. Here in Fayetteville so many have disregarded common courtesy that fishing holes are few and far flung. People like you are the exception rather than the rule. David

Fishing… Yeah, I don’t go as often as I used to. I enjoy going for the friends more these days than I worry about filling the freezer.

I do catch a lot more but I make sure to not over fish and that we eat everything. Funny thing when you have 35 or so salmon in the freezer and 30-60 pounds of Halibut. You forget sometimes that how lucky you are to live in a place that you can harvest that much.

I don’t really fish but I take it you guys/gals must be good in tying knots huh? I’m learning knot tying and I happened to look in the Fishing section of my book and there’s some pretty complicated knots for fishing indeed! Need a steady hand too I take it being the hooks and threads are so tiny.

My family and I lived for a few years on a small island about half-way between Petersburg and Juneau AK. Lived on what we raised in our garden, the venison from Admiralty Island, a black bear harvested in the spring and the many big halibut that were always available at the right time of the tide. Caught quite a few over 100lbs. Sure miss that life.

122 lakes and streams in Eldorado county. Grew up in Lake Tahoe and been fishing before I can remember. Salmon fishing in the Sacramento Delta to fishing for Rock Cod off the Edmonds pier in Washington State. Love top water bass fishing at Amador and Collins Lake. Nothing like hooking into a large Brown Trout at Caples Lake while fly fishing. Its been almost 10 years sense I last fished but take my young daughter from time to time. I sure miss it.

I’m in Singapore and fish mostly in the reservoirs of which we have several.

The main species here is the peacock bass, which isn’t even a bass but rather a type of cichlid, and is an invasive species from South America. We also have Asian giant snakehead (awesome fighting), various tilapias, freshwater rays, featherbacks, gourami, etc. Unfortunately, it’s about 90% peacock bass though!

Sometimes I’m fishing in the dark, so I’ve got my Skilhunt H03 headlamp, a handheld light (most often my Amutorch AT40 dual XP-L), and my Lumintop GT Micro for long distance illumination. Finally, in my bag I’ve got an old Quark 123 on CR123 just in case!

If and when I decide to leave it is not going to be an easy decision that is for sure. As much as I miss certain things from the lower 48, there is a good reason why I don’t mind leaving it behind. There are a few things though.