Any interest in a C8 t6 900 lumen 5mode pill

I tried Manafont live support and asked them if they can sell a C8 t6 900 lumen 5mode pill only. They have noted it as a product request. I was wondering if there would be much interest? Much easier than doing a led swap.

For those who are "mod challenged" like me, that sounds like an interesting idea - pity I don't own a C8.

I'm definately mod challenged. I thought of it today after receiving my g4 mcu from tmart. Took me less than 20 seconds to switch the pill. At least it had a smooth reflector

So I can use P60 pills. I would have been interested in this for sure.

No, not p60. like this but with xml. I asked for the pill frm the C8 T6 900 lumen xml

Hmm... I wonder what other lights those would fit into besides a C8.

So you're saying you like strobe and sos ? .. these are easy to mod .

I didn't notice the 1.5 amp rating. I got my c8 from KD. It pulls 3A so maybe I should ask them instead? I agree 3 mode would be better.

I would be interested. DX sent me a C2 body without a pill some months ago, and the pill from my KD C8 fits in there perfectly. To be honest, I would even take the empty pill (no driver and emitter), since 20 mm stars fit into these pills, so they are very easy to mod (much easier than pills from P60 dropins IMO).

That is a more interesting question he said as he highjacked the thread ..Who sells pills ? I've never seen em sold ..Someone has boxes and boxes ..

Two answers - depending on your personal attitude to the War on (Some) Drugs.

In most cities in dark corners you'll find someone.

Or your friendly brick and mortar pharmacy which is likely to be a lot less expensive. But may require awkward things like prescriptions.


If enough people ask KD or Manafont to sell these they might become available. I agree someone must have boxes of them

Bump an old thread

found this by accident

Intl-Outdoors sells a screw-in pill that I like a lot. It fits my Ultrafire C8 perfectly.

I do not know what other C8 style lights it will fit.

I wrote about it here:

Manafont has them

DX has them now also

and LCK-LED has naked ones

That naked copper pill looks mighty exciting!!!

When you add a NANJG 105C driver and an XML led to the makes the Intl-Outdoor pill look pretty good at $16 USD.

I like that the 105C pill/driver can be changed to any mode pattern you like, even after you buy it, because the stars you solder to are on the spring/battery side of the circuit board.

Maybe you should add custom C8 screw-ins to your own custom line up.

I'll get one myself.

Brass is sometimes called "Yellow copper". Yellow coper and copper (the more orange/brown kind) are completely different from a thermal conductivity standpoint. I suspect that last one is brass, given its price point. If it is, you're better off getting the Aluminum ones.

I can obviously make C-8 pills to order if you want one or I can sell you a custom driver and you can do it yourself. The big problem is not all C-8s have the same threads or thread depth so while these are all standard C-8 pills there are some difference in manufacturing so they might not fit all C-8s or C-2s.

If E1320 does them, I'll refer the info on them to my son to him to see if he will buy one, too.