The only member I know of who lives in Japan is ChibiM, but he is from the Netherlands.
(btw, it says janapese in the thread title)
Dont think there is any!
The other BLF member who lives in Japan is "islisis".
Can you help me out m8? I have some Japanese colleagues of mine, and every time they come here,they bring me some wierd stuff/goods/snaks/ …things like that, that i never know what they are exacly( Labels are all in japanese)…and its not polite to ask…
Can i PM you some pictures…esesialy on a green chocolate that tastes like marryjane :bigsmile:
Typical Japanese customs.
Yeah, just drop me a PM. My wife is Japanese, in case i cant figure it out ;)
But when its green and chocolate,I'm pretty sure it's green tea flavored. Yes, it can taste a little weird.
ChibiM, I just assumed you were Japanese since there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of gaijin in Japan. Looks like ~1%.
;) 100% gaijin!
Is it hard for gaijin’s to get a permanent stay? Long time ago I heard it was difficult, don’t know about nowadays.
Green tea in powder form maybe taste bitter for most.
Janapese? H)
He means those peppers… japalenos
Yeah i think there are a few ..
This question has been asked before.
So they did a video a while back to say hello to the BLF community ..
If you're a janapes BLF member raise your hand ---->
I had doubts with all green/chocolate being green tea because I ate a wasabi kitkat once assuming it’s green tea
sad life of not continuing my weeb life
Wasabi Kitkat sounds gross to me.
Oops, maybe TS is referring to Javanese?
The real question, for the win:
Any single Janapese girls arround? :evil:
EDIT: I love those Anias women!
You know...
People from Ania. :crown:
Nai.. but my wife is around..but she isn't Ania..
We have some crazy monkeys here.