Just wondering if there are any “modders” in Canada? If so,please provide some contact info? Thanks,HB
I think Ouchyfoot and DenBarrettSAR and maybe Comfychair...
as Gj mentioned, myself, and also Relic38, and i believe Bort too. I live 35 minutes south of Barrie, Ontario.
Thanks! HB
Thanks! That’s good to know.HB
Checking in.
I have a Fenix TK41 XML-T6 (800 lumens)and just wondering what can be done to make it a better light……This was my first”real” light and has since been “dethroned”.I already have that covered(throw) with a K40vn and a TK75vn(coming soon maybe?) dome on for flood. Is this TK41 light worth modding or just leave it alone? Thanks,HB
That would depend on how much you want to spend on mods for it, and the time you want to invest in the mods.
I am familliar with that 8 - AA cell model a little. If yours is definitely a XM-L T6 version, i would first go with swapping the emitter to a newer XM-L2 on a copper star of the tint range you prefer, and if you want more throw, then a dedoming of the new emitter would help that. ( best to dedome a cooler tint as the tint will get warmer after the dome is removed)
with more work and time a new custom battery carrier can be built to adapt the light to run a configuration of 18650s for better run time and more amps capability. and to even further increase the output then possibly a driver mod.
I think I’d just swap out the emitter to an XM-L2 U2. It’s a nice light, and it don’t think you ld want to mess with the fenix driver. I don’t think you ld find one that that’s set up for the two switches in the front.
It’s nice to have a light that loads up with AAs.
Better to mod a cheap Chinese light. It’s a nice light, just swap the LED so you can say you modernized it.
I’m in toronto! New modder
If there's ever a completed texaspyro driver for the SRKing can I contact you for an overhaul? (emitters, heatsinking, driver, misc)
Are you sure? I wreck a lot of lights.