Any real shavers here?

I just wondered if there are any real shavers here? The reason I ask is because I have been making shaving brushes for some time and recently opened a shop online. I am of course a ‘real shaver’ and just it just occurred to me to mention that I make them, here.

Just for your info they are all hand turned and hand assembled by me in my shop. They are made in very small numbers but because of this the quality is very high and to be honest I love making them. So please have a look if you like them I will give anyone on BLF 10% off the prices in my shop. Just let me know before you order. If you have any questions I know you will ask, so please do! :slight_smile:

If this breaks any rules I will of course remove the post and I apologise in advance.


Nice work I especially like the first one.

Thank you!

That is one of the most comfy brushes I have ever held, it really is super. That is one brush I would be happy not to sell.


You’re not a real shaver until you dry shave with a straight razor :wink:

I have done, but it not very enjoyable. Half the fun is lathering up.


Nice work, they look good. 8)

Thank you all for your kind comments. It’s nice when people like your work.


I have just been on my ‘shop’ and I have had nearly double the looks from BLF than I have on Etsy itself! So If I want to get people interested in my shaving gear, then I need to tell flashoholics! :smiley:

Thanks for looking at the shop guys!


Cut throat razor ? For real shavers ...

Ive tried shaving with a bowie knife , but the facial hair is a bit tough ... Guess thats what all the shaving cream is for . [ tried it dry ]

Maybe the knife needs to be sharper [ as if it was not sharp enough already ]

They need to be very very sharp. When you think wow! That’s sharp then you are half way there. If I am honest I don’t like using a cut throat razor, I prefer a double edge razor.

When I say real shavers I really mean, Brush, Soap or cream, lather up and shave. What razor you use is up to you. The best razor is the one that works best for you.

Thanks for reading Old! :slight_smile:


Naah , just being a little silly , sorry !

Its a nice looking brush , but I stopped shaving a long time ago ..

I just use an electric hair trimmer now , gets me down to about half a mm [ good enough ]

Very nice, it makes me almost wish I was still shaving.

Very nice brushes! I have a cheapo brush that I use sometimes…often all I have time for is a quick swipe with the electric razor.

hi marc,
very nice brushes.

Is this Silver Tip Hair?

Hi Ironman,

No they are Finest blonde badger. It’s more expensive, but softer and has a little more back bone. I do use Silvertip as well but Blond is nicer to use and looks beautiful as it goes from black to blonde. It looks even nicer in real as my Photographic skills are not the best.

I also use a different material for the handle, it looks wonderful. most manufactures use a resin that looks a little fake and if you drop them they will shatter. Mine won’t.

Thanks for showing an interest in my work,


Hi Marc,
out of pure interest:

How did you get caught making shaving brushes? Its not the kind of “usual” hobby :slight_smile:

How do you get the Badger hair?

I have a mental picture of you chasing them around trying to cut a patch off! I’m sure they’re protected!!

Sad to say i see a few each week on my way to work, but as road kill. Seems they are not very good at crossing main roads.

Well if you go on my shop and the look at my profile it’s all there. But the short version is that I am a cabinet maker, I make fine furniture and so on. I also turn wood. So combine that with a passion for having a real shave and there you have it. I just love making stuff!


Yeah you are not allowed to kill them for their hair over here, but in Russia and China They eat them so it is legal. The hair is actually quite expensive about half the price of the brush, so I don’t make much money on them, but I do love it.

What people have to understand is that they are actually very good for your skin, most people don’t use them much anymore as most people don’t seem to have time for a proper shave, we use crap in a can with is full of chemicals and expensive. That’s before you look at the price of modern cartridge blades.
