Any tips for desoldering MCPCB from copper slug

Trying to switch out a triple MCPCB that was soldered onto a copper pill anybody got tips? I had the pill sitting on top of a radioshack soldering iron for a while no luck.

Heatgun or torch. Just dont cook the mcpcb to much or it will discolour

Figure a way to hold it with tweezers or something that won’t take a lot of heat away. Then hold a lighter under it and wait. Hold so the pill is about 1cm above the flame; this will keep the soot to a minimum. This is the way I reflow LEDs on MCPCBs.

Frying pan. Hit it with the highest possible heat (mcpcb up, of course), and with a toothpick try sliding the pcb off the slug. As soon as it moves ever so slightly (ie, solder’s now molten), give it a shove to dislodge it, get the pan off the fire, and grab the pcb out of the pan with needlenose pliers or somesuch as fast as you can.

While the slug’s still hot, you can use a wire-brush to scootch most of the solder off the slug. It’ll still be nicely tinned, but hopefully not so much as to keep a new pcb from sitting flush.

Clamp the slug with vise grips and put the whole shebang in the frying pan on low heat and wait for it. Don’t pluck, slide it off instead.

thanks for the tips, the frying pan got it done