Anybody check out the International Space Station (ISS) lately?

I watched it come over last night and it was pretty cool. Ya know, not something you’re gonna do every night but still pretty cool. The following site allows you to plug in your location and it will tell you when, where and how to see the ISS every time it comes over your house.

My wife and I did that last summer. When you first see it, you think it might be a plane. You carefully watch its track, then you know it's ISS.

I think there are 3 very scared people on board isolating themselves from the mayhem, that’s probably as far away as you could get. :smiley:

I was a regular at heavens-above. ISS, Iridium flares, cubesats, you name it.

Watching for the space station to come over is one of those experiences I promised myself as a child that actually came true.

I use to watch the ISS during vacations nights :)

As an amateur astronomer it's fun to catch and follow it with the telescope and i was totally amazed the first time i could clearly see the shape of the various parts !

Like Lighbringer is use

You can get an app ,that tells you when it’s going to fly over your area.

That is what I use, an app. I get a notification for any visible pass. It lets me be lazy. Shows the trajectory on a map and the all the details. GoISS I think the app name is.

I also had an app at one time that would keep you updated on all the meteor showers peak times and dates. I deleted it for some reason or another and now can’t remember the name of it. It was quite handy.

:+1: I had that app too, there’s also another app for iridium flares.