just wondering has anyone done this and where to buy if so. i want to turn mine into a dedicated thrower if it’s possible
Without the reflector, what will hold the pill in place?
Sheer willpower.
paint the reflector black
I have one that was complete before I received it. The LED needs to be the proper focal length (or whatever alternate length you want if you don’t want it focused).
On mine there is a black “reflector” that is somewhere around 1/2” shorter than a standard P60 reflector and the spring on the back of the pill seems to fill the space. This black spacer has a wider angle than simply cutting down a reflector, seemingly to ensure the back of the lens gathers as much light as possible.
I have 3 XML aspheric lights; from memory, this one provides the largest die image. The size seems to be is a function of the lens - which is relatively bulbous, and the associated focal length and lens diameter.
sarcasm wasn’t really needed. anyone ever tried a convex lens it’s gotta be something other than the floody one it came with. i’d love my little light if it’d hit a couple hundred feet out instead of 50 or 60
I did… the lux increased significantly, but it has a weird ringy beam… bright square in the middle with black space around it followed by a weird outside ring.
but much better when you put XP-G2 on it, smaller square but brighter hot spot
I was told there is a lens that works for it on DX. I was going to order one a while back and then forgot all about it.
I have that ex lens, I bought it for my first flashlight a romisen rcc8 or something like that. Using it in a p60 focuses the led, but you get thousands of rings around it. I also heard of some lenses made by someone in CPF, but I can’t recall his name
well if y’all find anything or have pictures let me know
Not a 502 but done it with a few Solarforce L2’s. Works best with xr-e emitter and smo or o/p painted flat black. Underwhelming with xm-l and xp-g.
DX 26mm glass optics for flashlights.
Well you may want to consider a simple de-domed XM-L2 U2 running about 3.5 or 3.85A. I Measured 18.5 kcd in a L2T host with a pill of 3.85A, XM-L2 U2 1A with dome on copper, AR lens, SMO reflector. De-domed, should little more than double that, so about 40 kcd. 40 kcd is about 400 meters to moonlight. Similar pill in a SkyRay SR5 (no AR lens) did 16.2 kcd. SHould get same results in a 502B host. The AR lens helps a bit - used the one from CNQ/FFL.
get a fine tipped black sharpie and cover as much of the retaining ring around the led as you can. make everything that you can get at turn black. I have an Eric K xr-e dropin in an L2 with the DX lens. I have gotten rid of most of the artifacts and am left with just a die shaped beam that has REALLY good throw.