Anybody have this Light? Ultrafire Zoomer 26650

Can’t seem to find a review on this one, but I do not know model # so that is probably why.

If anybody has this one or knows about it, please advise.

the batt versatility. I can’t say much for the batts they give ya though. In fact I can say they’re a real POS and would never put any batt that sez UltraFire on them. Please review if you do.

No, don’t want the batts either, they sell just the light separately, I just grabbed this other link, sorry.

17 dollars for one without batteries... Tempting. :D

Here's the link for the $17.99 without batteries. Did you order one Muto? I have the Poppas W-878 (which is identical to the "other" 26650 Ultrafire zoom lights that come up on Ebay when searching for this one). I like it a lot for it's wide flood, but I don't like that it's direct drive on High (4.0A to 4.5A on a King Kong 26650 if I remember -too lazy to search my own post on it). I'd be curious to hear if this one is direct drive as well.


I just ordered it about 20 minutes ago.

I’ll update this thread when I receive it.
How will I know if it is direct drive on high?
If it pulls the 4+ amps?


Basically put in various batteries and a good 26650 if you have one. When you start seeing 4+ amps with the 26650 I'd say it's very likely direct drive.

Awaiting your update.

your light has the same ‘HWA/WTS’ lettering like my C8 clones I bought from Rosefireboy. VERY pleased with his quality hence I bought in bulk. I haven’t seen another light with those letters so if this is any indication it just might be a real good find you have there. Maybe a machine shop variant printing or something that he gets plus a few others in the loop - and likely in the know. We’ll see.\_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

nice! i ll also be waiting…i actually like direct driven lights. i like the intense brightness for that 30 secs. its usually how long i use my light anyways hahah