I found a spare switch cover for a Sunwayman D40A..
Anybody interested in it? Its the plastic one. I can give it away for free, -I would just like to get the shipping cost covered-. Not sure if these are still available, so better give it to someone who can use it. See here what it looks like: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/31400/15 Not sure if I also have the metal part and screws, ill have to check.
I would be interested, but it would cost too much to ship to USA. I contacted Sunwayman last year about it and they would replace them for free, but it would cost $8 for shipping for 2 of them. I have 2 D40As and the switch covers are cracked a little (1 more than the other), but not enough for me to worry too much about. Very generous of you to give it away.
If NeutralFan is no longer interested , I am ! I do own a SWM D40A and the switch cover start to crack.., the light is exquisite ( IMHO) for its class , and after I modded it a little bit (dedomed led , resistor mod ,thinner centering spacer) ,is the one that is used in my car , and in fishing trips ...
I do not want to upset NeutralFan , he was the first.., but I'll be the second in row ! Just let me know what you decide !...
Hi ChibiM. Sorry I didn’t see your reply until now. Thanks for PMing me to get my attention! I will PM you my address. Again, very generous of you to do this!