I'm wanting to buy a zoom-flood light and was pretty much settled on the RC-29 with the R5 from shiningbeam. However, I came across this light on eBay...|
It uses a T6 XM-L and claims 1000 lumens with one 18650 so I'm figuring the 1000 lumen mark is optimistic and really I'd likely run it on the 3xAAA but may buy another 18650 for it. The specs listed leaves some info to be desired but I'm assuming it has some disco modes which is unfortunate. But just looking for some input... it states 1x to 2000x zoom so it should be interesting to use.
I'm new and have a spot to flood aspheric Zoom and have been looking into better ones.
People who have the XM-L Zooms sometimes complain about the larger die ( LED actual size ) projecting a large square image on Zoom mode- meaning they don't focus as tightly as the smaller sized LEDs.
But if it drives decently on the 3aaas it may be much brighter on the 18650 and it looks well made.
Probably not 2 or 3 amps though , they seem to drive the XM-Ls conservatively on these types.
So if you can live with above and wild guess, 400 to 500 Lumens( still bright )-should be good.
I should add that I'm not near as expert as many/most on here and just learning,.......so pros - feel free to correct if I'm not quite correct here....
It is a pity but the YEZL T9 is actually a better idea due to it projects a smaller die, but the ones being sold now have a not that good 38mm lens.
I have got the t9, and had already another 38mm lens from another thrower from Ultraok, but I am afrait they are not selling that one any more.
Another one that could be good is the EDI-T P15 (quite expensive in ebay), and this other one that looks exactly as the Yezl, so I guess the YEZL is an rebranded edi-t, the edi-t one could have a better lens or it could be the same, who will try first?