Anybody tried one of these 11V / 10W LEDs?

I bought one of these just for fun:

It is a 9 chip array. The tint is a beautiful golden warm white. I plan to power it from a 12V wall wart and build a small work light with it, or something like that...

yes, but mine has a dome, is cool white, and now you’ve finally given me an idea what to do with it. I have so many orphaned wall warts….

How are you going to drive it?

I tried it on direct drive at 9V, current was 350 mA. At 12V it was more than 1A, which is too much I guess.

I thought about using a power resistor, but then I wanted to do it right and bought a 700 mA constant current source.

I’m sure I’ve got a 12v 1000ma wall wart and i’m assuming that will work

I still have original driver (took it out of a DX waterproof fixture), but it was driving it at ~700ma from 12V source (i used 7ah sla for portable or plugged into vehicle)

I’m pretty sure mine won’t even light up at 9V.

I tested it long ago, direct drive from 3S tired, scavenged laptop cells in a DRY battery carrier and it still only pulled 1A. No doubt it would pull more from good cells, but I got the impression it would not pull whatever it could get, like w/ xm-ls i’ve direct driven w/ high discharge batteries. i could be completely wrong though

didn’t seem to have any problems, though the host got hot quicker. if you have the heatink mass and surface area, i’m betting 1A is ok. ymmv :slight_smile:

Mine even lights up at 7.5V, but then it only draws 5 mA or so, and you can look at it without

really?! that’s interesting.

could be useful in a (very) few situations

ie a lantern you only run off alkaleaks

These drivers work great: You can put up to around 30V AC/DC in. 12V in would probably give full output with that array, but 15V would be better.

The PT4115 driver chip on them even has a dimming input that you can connect a pot or PWM signal to. Some discussion of it starting here: Nichia 219 Desk Lamp Retrofit


yeah, that works good. I hooked it up to a self built joule thief and it runs off 2 eneloops, delivers ~12mA to the led. Stick a diffuser cone on top and it makes a great candle substitute :)

This is the driver I bought for it:,-30V--LT-1152_118_119.html

It is a linear driver and has pwm input, so I can add that later if I feel the need.