anyone 3d printing?

I would recommend the Wanhao i3 v2.1 as well (also known as Monoprice Maker Select 3D Printer v2 in USA, and Cocoon Create 3D Printer in Australia), as it comes more or less ready to print from the factory and it doesn’t have plastic parts as many of the cheaper ones do.

Trust me when I say that there is enough frustration getting started with 3d printing without having to spend hours on building them… I’d also recommend starting with a roll of PLA, as it’s the easiest plastic to print.

This is a good resource for upgrades for the Wanhao. It might be pre-built, but still lots of work to get it to print better…

If I knew it was something I’m going to use a lot and was willing to spend more money on, I’d go for the Prusa official version (Josef Prusa designed the i3 model most cheap printers are based on), the mk2 release is very popular for good reasons: