Anyone have a pic of Lumintop SD26 driver?

I pulled the driver out of an SD26 and both thermal resistor wires disconnected. I can see about 4 spots where I think they might go back to, but I’m not quite sure. I’ve looked under a magnifying glass to see if I can see wire remnants from any of the solder spots, but nothing really stands out. I searched some of the review threads hoping there’d be a good pic of the driver, but couldn’t find one. If it helps, I can post a pic, and one of you gurus might be able to figure it out. What’s funny is that I did a review on this a year or 2 back, but my driver pics don’t show what I need :person_facepalming:

Thanks in advance.

After a image search this is all that I could find that may or may not help you.

The above photo is taken by me, pm me your mail and I will send you more.

Toddcshoe and zeremefico…man, you guys responded quickly and I somehow totally missed it! Thanks for the responses. That first pic would probably have worked, but doesn’t look like the resolution is good enough. Zeremefico, I’ll PM you. Thanks again!